When I got the bike the clutch was grabby and didn't want to disengage when you pulled the lever. If you put it in gear the bike would inch forward and you had to give it gas to keep the engine from dying. Replaced my clutch basket because it was notched pretty bad. I also replaced the clutch plates, springs, and inner hub. The symptoms got drastically better but were no where near perfect (compared to other bikes I've rode). I then measured the movement of the pressure plate when I pulled the clutch lever and it was in spec. So I am lead to believe the plates are getting enough clearance to disengage.
I rode it like this for a couple months and eventually got frustrated with not being able to idle in gear with the clutch lever engaged. I replaced the clutch cable hoping this would fix my problem, it didn't.
The strangest thing is that with the bike in neutral (gear position) and you grab the clutch lever the engine rpm changes slightly. Its enough to hear a noticeable difference in the exhaust. It sounds like a slight load is being put on the engine.
I need advice on what to check next..... any suggestions?