Sorry I didnt respond. I also have a baby due next month so ive been super busy. My Bike. The bike pictured above is a KX 80. Says it right on the casing. Someone was so kinda at some point in its life to chisel off part of the vin. "I bought it at a police auction." Only the last few numbers. The front wheel has disc brakes. The rear is drum. I almost have it all back together at this point. It was dropped hard on the right side. Broke off the right side foot control and bent the s**t out of the mounts. my plan is to heat and bend it all back in place. I already have a foot peg, brake pedal, brake Line. Ill have to replace the part on the drum that connects the brake cable to the drum. And replace the cable adjustment piece. Id guess its fairly universal. At least interchangeable among older kx's. Any suggestions are welcome. But I assure you its a very beat up kx 80. I am sure most of you know this but you can buy a universal kx nut and bolt kit. its incredible as far as rebuilding. Saved me hours.