Author Topic: Just started my 500 rebuild.  (Read 1842 times)

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Offline gowen

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Just started my 500 rebuild.
« on: July 10, 2005, 08:09:03 AM »
Well, the weather is nice (95+ degrees) and I am finally in a week where I don't have too much to do at work. So, I decided it is now time to start working on my 500 and get 'er running again. Considering I had the frame painted and engine sent off and rebuilt about 3 months ago and both have been sitting since. I decided to start working on it today (10th) after extensive thoughts of what I would like, I placed an order last week of parts I want/need. Not much is going to change: I'm using the older plastics until I can get my hands on all black or white (tank included). So I'm holding off.

The major renovations are:

+6 Swingarm
10 cup paddle tire
Fresh cylider bore super thick headgasket and head cut for race fuel
Fresh painted frame (clear coated too)
And nicknax like bolts, waterpump, pv's ect. ect.

I'm keeping up with pictures in my gallery if you guys want to see the progress.