So my son has been riding for almost a season now and has been progressing ALOT faster than I thought he would..Rode his bicycle for 2 months..The day I took his training wheels off,he was riding all over the place with in 5mins which shocked the crap out of me..After about 2 weeks of riding his bicycle with no training wheels,I bought him a new Razor MX500..He just turned 6 years old so it was kinda tall but,he jumped right on it and was off on his own..After 3 weeks of riding the MX500,I bought him a 2003 Yamaha PW50..He put in 2 1/2 months of seat time and sky rocketed..He would flat out rip it and got to the point where he was trying to out ride the little PW50 and make it do more than what its made for like jumps and trying to do wheelies lol..I planned on him riding the PW50 till the end of this coming 2016 season..I mean I put brand new tires on it,new top end ect... so I knew it would last and be problem free for him..Well Christmas is here and its time to upgrade AGAIN lol..Looked at a few KTM 50SX JR's and they were in alot worse shape than what people said over the phone so got sick of burning fuel driving hours..I tossed my 2000 KX80 on Craigslist that I just finished putting all new plastics,top/bottom end rebuild ect.. for trade for a KTM50 and they had to drive to me as I already blew over $200.00 in gas,just got sick of driving to look at garbage and wanted a new bike for him by Christmas..Had one guy come by with a 2003 KTM50 and looked awesome BUT,the bike had no compression lol..Im loosing faith because im getting offered $500.00 dollar bikes for my $1000.00 dollar bike..Get a email from a local that ask to trade a 2001 KX60 for my KX80..Guy told me its a perfect running bike with new seals/bearings in the lower end,new top end and new tire on the front..Said plastics aren't that great,small rip in the seat and rear tire is pretty much bald..Only 10mins away so tossed the KX80 in the truck and left to look at it..Got their and all in all,the bike was exactly what he said it was and runs perfect ..Took it for a spin and she will throttle wheelie with me on it in 1st,2nd and 3rd gear..Didn't look bad and its pretty d**n clean so traded even tho he came out on top but,he got a bigger bike and my son gets a nice upgrade

..Sorry if the post is a little long but I was raised by my mother,had no father and noone to do stuff like this with me unless I went to a friends house..My son and I have a SUPER,SUPER tight bone and do everything together..So far we had 4 mild build street cars that we both worked on,RC cars,RC boats,RC helicopters ect.. and now riding..Im a disabled stay at home father so don't have the money to do all these hobbies..We pretty much give up what were doing for something new just so him and I can do things I wish I could of done growing up..Im pretty much doing the best I can do being a father and being my sons best friend..Ive rode quads and dirt bikes well over 20 years,loved and missed it big time after my car accident..Now that my son is into it and loves riding more than anything,we are in it for the long haul and I have a riding buddy for life

..Im just super happy and told my wife I already got what I wanted for Christmas which is I can't wait to see his face when he finds this dirt bike behind the tree under a blanket lol..Heres a video of my little mans new bike