Author Topic: Kx250 Boyesen reed block inner porting worth doing?  (Read 1582 times)

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Offline swordcombat

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Kx250 Boyesen reed block inner porting worth doing?
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:08:13 PM »
Right i will post pics tomorrow but i recently bought a used Boyesen reed block which i hope is for my year bike KX250 1999 as it mounts up exactly the same , so i have started polishing all the casting marks from the outside to make it more presentable , but would it be worth spending the time smoothing out the casting grain from the inner neck and ports to give the air flow a smoother ride?
Dont want to spend hours doing it and have a end result of sanded down blistered fingers and no real benefit other than sore hands :-D

Offline b4himdude

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Re: Kx250 Boyesen reed block inner porting worth doing?
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2015, 03:16:11 PM »
i never looked at sore hands as a benefit but to each his own. justg read your post and i dont know too much about reed  block differences. i hear the boyensen is and upgrade from oem but never had to re[place the ones i have. some spots in the  cylinder being smoothed out helps with the longevity of the port pillars ive heard. ive also heard sharpening some help with the diffusion of the gas  which improves the performance  ive heard as well. but cant te;ll u anything about the reed block. im sure somebody here knows. good lick.
hell ,i,m so broke . if it cost a nickle to take a s**t, id have to puke.....