Ok so uhm yah, I want to build an @ss whooping KX500. I want the kx500 to have no purpose beyond seriously injuring, maiming or killing its rider. I want the power delivery so harsh that when the bike is stopped running at idle tears are slowly falling from its rider's eyes because the rider is quite sure as soon as the carburetor slide opens even a slight amount that the bike will literally flip a 360 degree cartwheel before riding a 100 yard wheelie with or without its rider. I want a bike that can go from putt putting along on the trail to, "OMG did you see that dude on the trail with the KX500? He was riding like 4mph then all of a sudden in about 20 feet of space the bike flipped a cartwheel & accelerated to like 90mph before smashing into a tree. That dude was so F'ed up a helicopter flew in to take him to the hospital. The KX500 is still imbedded in the tree!"
I know this all sounds extreme especially since a stock from the factory KX500 can pretty much accomplish this & install within in its rider all such fear & expectation. Thing of it is pretty much every advertisement, article & forum thread I have read about tuning KX500s as well as a majority of aftermarket parts seem to go in the opposite direction. This thread I hoping will turn out different. F' smooth throttle response, gradual power delivery and top end speed. I want all the horsepower to be delivered ASAP in relation to RPMs. I want to be standing over my KX500 with tears in my eyes as I barely crack open the throttle and watch my arms get ripped off while the KX500 flips a cart wheel & rides away with my dismembered arms hanging limply from the handlebars with fingers in a death grip still firmly attached.
To give you an idea where I am going with this KX500 build here are some of the things I am planning to experiment with for my KX500:
1 Throw the reed block to cylinder spacer in the trash.
2 Toss the flywheel weight into the trash along with the previously mentioned block.
3 Experiment with various pipes.
4 Experiment with various silencers.
5 F' up some pipe by creating various sizes of expansion chamber.
6 Screw with the air box.
7 Experiment with smaller then OEM carburetors. (Not gonna help top end I understand but will help with flipping a 360 from a dead stop. Go do some 2T homework if you don't know where I am coming form.)
8 Look into boring and sleeveing the OEM cylinder with a cast iron liner to increase friction and therefore low end torque with the penalty of heat at high rpms. (Again 2T homework time if you don't understand.)
9 Modify the stator plate to allow ignition timing changes.
10 Look into custom CDIs.
11 Contact Eric Gore and other such builders capable of porting a 2T cylinder for something other then "smooth power delivery."
12 Look into eliminating the power valves to create a more powerful fixed power band based at a certain RPM.
13 Pray the lord my soul to take.
I am not sure where I am going with this build besides straight to hell more then likely. I will be checking back to this thread now and again to add what details I can of my progress, unless of course I am seriously injured, maimed or killed by my KX500 during the course of my work. Any input that anyone has that can help me in achieving my goals of b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶s̶e̶r̶i̶o̶u̶s̶l̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶j̶u̶r̶e̶d̶,̶ ̶m̶a̶i̶m̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶e̶d̶ building an @ss whooping KX500 would be greatly appreciated.