So my beloved Hybrid needs a set of fork seals, so I called Pro Circuit to order some. The seller told me that the bike was equipped with A Kit suspension. I was always concerned that the forks didn't have special triple clamps, like other A Kit stuff does. When I bought the bike, I called Pro Circuit to make sure the forks were correct, and they said that they sounded correct from my description. I also found this picture of a similar set of forks that the guy said were A Kit. They are identical to my forks and shock:
I read somewhere that the new A Kit stuff is 49 mm lowers, so I measured mine to see what diameter they were. The digital calipers said 46.5 mm, which is smaller than the factory forks I have. So I searched Pro Circuit 46 mm Forks and a picture of a set that looked similar to mine, but not the same. Finally decided to call Pro Circuit, because I needed to order the fork seals. I spoke with a younger kid there, and he indicated that the forks were not A Kit, because they only make 49 mm sets. He asked me to send him pics, but I have not heard back yet. In the interim I called Enzo, MB1 and several other places to see if they knew what they were. A guy at Enzo said that they he thought they were Showa and that Pro Circuit had been making them a long time and that they may be a pretty old set (which is what I originally thought). My gut tells me they are either Showa A Kit and the kid is not familiar with the older stuff, or they are Kayaba. I know they are not any kind of modified stock fork, because the seller indicated that the internals looked different than anything he had ever seen. Is there anyone out there that is familiar with these mystery forks?
The Cap:
The Fork Body (notice the deep gold, which doesn't look like my other factory forks):
Lower Leg: