I sent my cylinder off to be replated but they had an exchange cylinder I went for as it was a bit cheaper to do the exchange system and would save me quite alot of money as mine was cracked and need welding and the exhaust spring hook was also broken. I still need to pay them and they will send it to me.
Also pressed in the Pivot Works kit bottom linkage bearings with some sockets and threaded rod and packed them with grease.
I am totally broke now and don't think I can get any more new parts.
I still need a
Rod kit and get it pressed in.
Head gasket,
Inner clutch cover gasket,
Clutch leaver, gearbox end.
Possible clutch basket and plates.
Swingarm bearing kit.
Brake caliper seal kit.
Chain and sprockets.
Air filter.
Radiator hoses kit.