Author Topic: a good day  (Read 1487 times)

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Offline b4himdude

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a good day
« on: August 08, 2015, 05:14:15 PM »
its been a long time coming. been slumped over with the  main inserts not matching any bearing outer race that i can find with the 30 and 19 as well/. try coming up with a 30 76, 19. and whoever the mechanic was,  that shaved the inserts in that case was getting paid to do a service. its funny how a 3606 i think thats what i remember as well as the manufacturer of thcorrect mnrg and series number in the wrong bearing . . but it eventually leaked oil through from the inner race not tight to the shaft.  . BUT HERES THE GOOD THING. I HAD POSTED A 89,THAT THE SELLER CHANGED TO A 98 K5one day after i saw it and initially posted FOR $1000r craigs list category. well for the last month i had been giving the previous owner $250 each week for it. well friday was the final payment. i opened up the engine and thers not 1 blemish on the cylinder . it looks like it has quite a thick sleeve in it. more so than that of o.e.m. the piston is not pro x . it has like a stainless spt near the top in both sides. id have to see what a wiseco looks like because thie piston is clean. theres little to no rock side to side on the rod. no up and down plar. no discolorations on the crank lobes. the case  saver chain block is still mounted without damage. now its a great thing that i have 2 other fully operational low use full clutch assemlies ,because it seems as though the clutch slips and doesnt take the torque when shifting into 3rd 4th and maybe a little of 5th at high revs. so a clutch isnt a big deal. but you first thought is so loosen up the clutch play some.i would if it werent for when i stand off the bike and put it in gear holding in the clutch lever all the way it didnt try and move as soon as i select the gear.transmission is smooth and quiet. no external leaks. had an aftermarket "heavy duty" radiator . some tusk hand shields. they actually dont look bad.what else a nice seat new cover.all the levers ,braking systems , rims, factory oem shroud graphics and plastic intact. . so a clutch that might just need the springs replaced or tightened . but ill put a full assembly in tonight or tomorrow and enjoy another day of play on  my newly engined ,newly painted , newly fendered  ,  but not so new 2 wheeled dirt machine. oll have to get a pic up next. gotta be done. finally!whew
hell ,i,m so broke . if it cost a nickle to take a s**t, id have to puke.....