Author Topic: Cylinder construction  (Read 2168 times)

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Cylinder construction
« on: February 25, 2007, 06:55:19 AM »
I have been noticing that there are many different cylinder configs when pertaing to this particular motorcycle. My buddy just unloaded a real gem on me. The cylider that appears to have come with the engine is plated (destroyed). Ad the replacement jug has a steel liner with a stock piston in it. Both jugs are 85-87 types with the round hole powervalves. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? The piston appearsto be cast. Was my bike manufactured in a transition period when Kawi was trying to tone down the bite of it's big bike? The manual I have shows that the carb size went down and thcompression was lowered for that paticular model year. ('87)
Thanks, Bob Shy


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Re: Cylinder construction
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2007, 05:10:48 PM »
Whoa, One question at a time, and more paragraphs.

Cylinder from at least '86 on has a plating--not a liner--when stock.

How exactly is the cylinder destroyed?  Severely gouged, or just worn down?


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Re: Cylinder construction
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2007, 01:25:34 AM »
It as quite bad siezure marks on the intake port and the exhaust port as well as a 1mm gouge in the intake port. I realize that plating and a rebore can repair this (along with a larger piston :evil:) but I was wondering if the steel linered cylinder included with the bike would be cool to use?
I haven't checked the clearence of the cast pistoned steel lined cylinder yet, but the book says service limit of about .003". My calibrated  :lol: hand says that it feels looser that that.........sooooI'm guessing at best I'll be needing a new piston.
There hows that for paragraphs? :-D