Author Topic: Riding clinics...anyone ever do one?  (Read 4233 times)

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Riding clinics...anyone ever do one?
« on: April 02, 2003, 03:38:44 AM »
Since I am only in my first full season on dirt since I was 12 years old, I have been considering taking a riding clinic from Destry Abbott. He has a great site, with a growing message board where he personally answers questions from fans. Very cool.

Anyway, I have aspirations of not only becoming a good rider, but maybe even to enter and do well in various desert and off-road races in the future. Destry offers classes during the week, and is within driving distance for me. Seems like this is pretty doable for me.

My question to you guys is this...the majority (if not all) of you are clearly good riders with lots of time under your belt. Did any of you take clinics when learning, or did you just ride with other good riders and pick it up as you went along?

My riding has progressed light years in the last 3 months. I am just wondering how much faster I could become a better rider if I took his clinic? Thanks in advance for any thoughts you guys might have on this.



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Riding clinics...anyone ever do one?
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2003, 06:57:34 PM »
Ive ridden most of my life,never been to a riding clinic,but if I was close to Destrys I would go.Ive read a lot of posts on Destrys site from people who have gone,and read nothing but good things.If your new to riding now would be a good time to learn before you develop any bad riding habits.Gary Semics has some good instruction videos,theres a few books,and most of the magazines have good tips.


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Riding clinics...anyone ever do one?
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2003, 03:39:37 PM »
I went to a group clinic of Destry Abbotts, maybe 20 riders. He held the clinic in Lucerne before a National Hare and Hound he was racing. It was alot of fun and I learn some new tricks, it was geared towards desert racing. In the morning we went over cornering in sand washes, rocky uphills and downhills and then high speed valley runs. We took a lunch break and his mechanic went over bike prep and suspension. Then after lunch we went back out and praticed dead engine starts, he then took us on a 20 mile fun ride with Chuck Woodford and David Person.  It was a great day just riding with him and worth the money for me.  :D


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« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2003, 05:56:46 AM »
How much does a day with Destry Run?


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Riding clinics...anyone ever do one?
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2003, 06:57:28 AM »
looks to be $175 for a four hour session. I am awaiting confirmation and all the details. When I get them, I will post them.  :D