Don't mean to hijack this thread but the talk of the Triumphs reminded me of a conversation I had last week with the last Triumph dealer we had in our town.
During the economic downturn all Triumph dealers were selling less bikes.
Our local dealer was selling approximately double the national average per capita.
That is not surprising as he is a above board guy.
Anyway, Triumph came to him and said either floor more models or we will take your dealership away.
So he tried to contact the CEO who wouldn't even take his call.
The only thing he was told by Triumph is to buy more bikes or loose the dealership.
So, he lost the dealership.
You can't afford to floor more then you sell in a specified time.
If you own a Triumph and live on the West Coast you have a huge dead spot for service as there are no dealers from Portland OR to the Bay Area CA.
That's because Triumph also closed dealerships in Medford OR and Sacramento CA.
Triumph's last CEO was a ding dong.
Clearly his successor isn't fairing much better from what I can see.
It's pretty simple, if you want your dealers to sell more bikes, give them the tools to sell more.
Advertising incentives, better options for flooring more models, and a bike more people want to ride are just a few tools they could offer.
Again, sorry for the hijack