I finally got around to putting gas in Goliath and seeing if it would start after a long winter's (and spring's) nap. It started, but it was smoking really badly and barely running. I figured the gas had gone bad, so I drained the tank. I decided to change the plug, and clean the carb as well. This proved to be an adventure that I figured I would share with you guys to make sure it doesn't bite anyone else. When I took off the float bowl to drain it, the floats were sitting in the float bowl unattached.

I didn't see how they came out, and there was a groove in the float bowl, so I assumed that they rode in that groove, and there were pins in the carb body to keep them from floating away. I tried this configuration, and needless to say it didn't work. I then tried to look at videos of the carb, or the parts fiche, but they also didn't really help. Finally I decided to turn the carb over on my workbench, and it finally hit me. There are holes in the floats, and they ride up and down on the pins that I though located them in the notches (see pictures below). Once I got them on the pins, everything was happy again and I was able to fire the bike up without issue. Live and learn.

Also, I later learned that the billet fuel bowls have more capacity (and are deeper), so they flip those pins from being in the float bowl to the carb body. This means the floats fall out when you take off the bowl.