Man, it's been a long summer. Understaffed at work, Lunchbox qualified for summer swimming sectionals in Lincoln, Nebraska (proud papa moment), and a quick family vacation. Not much time in there for projects. Anyway, I used my Mexican drug smuggler tunnel at work to finally escape and get Goliath back together. I misunderstood the EFM clutch guy and actually had it installed correctly but I thought I was missing a washer. Nope, I just wanted to pull it apart one more time I guess.

I got the clutch installed, and ran into an issue with the brake lever hitting the clutch cover. I made a spacer for it, re-engineered the pivot, tweaked the clevis, and got that installed as well. It was time for a ride around the block!
It takes a little adjusting of the lever, but once I got it right the clutch made a HUGE difference in the ride ability. It will sit and idle in gear all day long (not recommended by the way), and the clutch pull is beyond light (1/2 a finger). I only got to ride it around my neighborhood, but it feels like it hooks up at pretty low rpm. I am beyond pleased with the clutch. I just wish I would have done it sooner.
I'll post some pictures of the brake pivot later in case anyone wants to install an EFM on their bike.
I'm working on getting all my picture links fixed as well. Unfortunately I have about 400 links to go through.