I was so nervous drilling that hole out that I leveled everything in site, including myself.

I used the all thread and the nuts to allow me to adjust the motor up and down to level everything. It was a lot easier than I thought, you're really just drilling a little bit on both sides not the entire hole. The motor went in the frame really easily too, once I took off the two 90 degree elbows for the cooling system. Lord knows I took it in and out enough times yesterday as I fiddled with stuff. I'm pretty excited to get it back into a roller so I can start fitting the exhaust. I know I have a ways to go before I'm done, but it was nice to get the first steps out of the way. I'll be ordering some goodies this weekend to start redoing some of the hard parts.
I'm thinking about sending the suspension to Race Tech. The forks are leaking, and the shock is in major need of a rebuild. I had my 07 suspension done by Factory Connection and it really turned out well (it ended up on my 04), but I wanted to try a Race Tech re-valve with the gold valves. Does anyone have thoughts on which one is better?