Author Topic: Portable Pressure Washer Setup @ The Track  (Read 1920 times)

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Offline MXonaKawi

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Portable Pressure Washer Setup @ The Track
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:02:41 PM »
Hey guys, I'm probably going to pick up one of these gas pressure washers. I just returned my electric one because finding a water source for cleaning is hard enough without having to find an electric source on top of that.

What do you guys think of how to put together a good reliable portable track setup to clean the bike between motos or before loading up? From what I've read it seems more complicated than just lugging around a water tank to hook up to the unit. Something about the pressure washer not being able to draw the water from the tank without air pressure pushing the water out of the tank...I'd hate to burn out my brand new pressure washer's pump with a DIY setup that doesn't work. Thoughts?

It seemed like everyone had these at the track when I was growing up and it certainly didn't seem as impossible as it does now that I've searched the forums for tips.