Just a thought on your vibration problem, here's something I learned from another site. If you have a gap between your frame mounts and your engine, shim them. I bought a frame conversion from MPS, and it sucked DONKEY BALLS. I had a guy I knew at home correct it, but we took to much meat off the frame tabs, leaving a gap at all 4 points. As per recommendation, I torqued my swingarm to spec, and then made shims to fit the gaps. they weren't very thick, but every one had to be slightly forced into positon. When this is done, you have zero tension on your frame rails, and that reduces the transfer of vibration into the bike. I can honestly say, that my AF vibrates less then the original steel frame bike, as in almost non existent. The difference is huge, so if you didn't weld your mounts snug to the motor during fabrication, spend the time to do this mod. I remember how bad my Kwacker vibrated in the steel frame, I can't imagine how bad it would be in a high tension AF frame.