AS I am a suspension tuner my self I would not get any one to revalve my stuff . as in the suspension business , its all secrets , the only way to learn what the big tuners do is check there stacks , believe me in Australia I checked a few and its interesting to see how 2 tuners revalve the same bikes and end up similar performance , but some are way off , because they don't listen to the customer I had to revalve some of there stuff to what the customer wants, theres no magic in it , If you know the rider speed , what he want, what he does not like about his suspension , very important, you can dial it in , I have our own track were we do suspension testing and even have the customer ride it . I thought you guys had the valving specs written down as I would of recorded it for later referrence , I record all specs I do and others do , even the stock bikes as I tried to get stock settings of race tech once and they said they don't keep them , bulldust. as I had guys convert from gold valves back to stock then sell the bike ,so its important to keep the information, you can have 2 riders that are the same speed around a given track yet want 2 different settings its that personel.