Crofter985Had a look on eBayUK last week and found this up for auction.

Put a bid on it at the start price and it ran for the three days it had left to run without being challenged.
It's a 330x400mm slug of steel, two sets of bearings, a disc, caliper and master cylinder, a starter ring and starter motor for said starter ring. Now there's a good few other bits to get but that's a good start. It's not all plain sailing as far as the rotor is concerned it's only big enough for 50hp but what I am thinking of doing is to get some discs of 50mm thick steel made up and fit them to the ends, or I've just had a thought, get another slug of steel the same size and make a double roller set up that the wheel sits in. There's a few interface box options, I will have to do some detailed research before I buy. Once I gave a roller setup working it will be possible to do comparative testing without electronics just by timing runs, probably not much use for any kind of accuracy, what it will be able to do is a quick dry and warm ( important factors in winter round here ) way of setting carb up, getting A/F ratios set up and so on.