OK guys, here's the deal. I have a restored '76 YZ125 that I bought for my wife to ride. The thing is cherry...really nice. A while back, some 240 lb. gorilla (aka: me) rode it too hard, and burned out the stock ignition. At the time that happened, the bike's clutch was working perfectly. I purchased a new PVL (Penton) digital ignition system for it. I was getting all ready to drop it in, and doing some other maintenance things as well. One of them was to drain and replace the crank case oil. Well, I could not get the rotor off the bike, and had to have a pro do it for me (Vintage Iron). Upon getting the bike back, I kicked it over only to discover that the clutch only engages about 10%, meaning is slips horribly but does not chatter at all. I rode it up and down the block, and the immediately put it away. I had asked them to replace the crank case oil, but did not check to see if they had. Now here is the question:
Could the clutch slippage be due to the possibility that the crank case is nearly dry? is it possible that the shop needed to mess with the clutch adjuster to get the rotor off? Apparently it took a small miracle to get it off, but they did. The Clymers manual says it is most likely a low oil level, but i thought i would ask the experts here. I apologize in advance that the bike in question is a Yamahopper!