Author Topic: How Low Can You GO!? (Try 12T/52T!)  (Read 5512 times)

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How Low Can You GO!? (Try 12T/52T!)
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2005, 04:39:24 AM »
jdv: I see it now.  I have no idea how I missed that.  Maybe I was only looking at the steel sprockets.  They only go to 52t. Thanks Again!!!


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How Low Can You GO!? (Try 12T/52T!)
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2005, 06:01:55 AM »
 may i ask what type of riding do you do, what are you aiming for in setting up your bike. i myself currently have been addicted to a place here that has many long,steep jagged rock and tree roots that ressemble stair steps.
 i have set my gearing to climb with a slower wheel speed as i was just shearing knobs and fanning the clutch alot more then i wanted to. i currently have a 13/53 in place just for this issue. i use many other sprockets and change as desired.
** i had forgot that we were/are in a defanging the 500 section.
except for this one climbing section, i prefer the wildest hair-raising ride i can get and my k-5 with the 15/49 get's the job done just fine for me. jdv


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How Low Can You GO!? (Try 12T/52T!)
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2005, 02:42:23 PM »
jdv:  I do alot of slower woods riding.  The 13/52 setup isn't too bad for me.  I would just like a little lower 1st gear for the really sticky situations so I don't have to ride the clutch so much.  My kdx220 has the perfect gearing for slow woods, but not the power of the k5.  Too bad you can't have the k5 power with the kdx gearing!!!  That would be a kdx500!!!  That would be my dream bike!!!!