Author Topic: Top End Longevity with good oil!  (Read 9631 times)

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Offline Timbowe

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Top End Longevity with good oil!
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2005, 11:04:36 AM »
Ams 100:1 has worked perfectly in all of my 2 strokes over the last 20 years. During the 80s, there was a few stories floating round saying it was unreliable due to the fact a lot of racers were using the stuff [road and M/X] and having failures. Stories got out of hand and the oil was a dirtyish word round here. We had this guy here called Wayne Hill, who raced late 70s early 80s RD 350/400. They used to call him ''Lean down Hill'' cause he used to run his Ams at 120:1 quite often resulting in engine failure. But also impressive rider and bikes he was a bit of a legend round here. And owning the local Yamaha franchise was always gonna be a help to screwing every little ounce of power out of the gear. Amsoil send me info of independent test and studdies into the oils on the market at the present time and how they stack up. From what I have read on the net and elsewhere good 100:1 is right up there. Being realitively new to the Kx5 scene, I cant really report on it effects on my 92 [which as it turns out was worn beyond repair before I got the thing]a mate of mine who is a very knowledgable chap when it comes to all motorcycles, has always used it and rates it as the best. Same goes for another mate who is the chief mechanic down at the local yamaha/ Kawasaki dealership. But its the old thing that people say, If it works for you then stick with it. :lol:
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Top End Longevity with good oil!
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2005, 11:19:42 AM »
I raced an rd400 a few years back in vintage classes. It was the "sieze queen". I ran that at 32:1, redline racing 2stroke oil (100% synthetic). Had the biggest jets I could run without it bogging. Still would lock up every now and then. :?

Offline Timbowe

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Top End Longevity with good oil!
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2005, 03:38:39 PM »
Theres an RD 250 Daytona sitting in a container down at work. Belongs to a mate. Ram air head. Pollished up. Looks good. goes O.k. Not my idea of a fun bike tho.
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Offline doordie

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Top End Longevity with good oil!
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2005, 05:57:37 AM »

KX500 rules!

:twisted:  :twisted: :twisted:

Iceroad champion 2006,still 2007,even 2008 without a single race!

Offline hughes

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Top End Longevity with good oil!
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2005, 11:18:26 AM »

Am sure you know this. Yamaha injector oil(air cooled play bikes) and Yamaha's 2-R(2-Stroke Racing oil) are two differents oils. I would re-connect those oil injection on your little guy's bikes and try Yamaha's Ring-Free. I would also use that in all your two stroke(Your Outboard) and 4 stroke toys. I use Yamalube because I get a discount and I believe in their products. After I break in my new top end I may try 40:1 or 50:1 instead of 32:1. I use 32:1 just because my manual says to.
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Offline gowen

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Top End Longevity with good oil!
« Reply #20 on: March 16, 2005, 01:22:29 PM »
Well, to add a chip to the block, I have used all oils, well those that are to name. First off, I used Klotz, mainly Super Tech (20% castor), then Benol, R2, H1R, Kaw Lube, and now MC1. I have never tried Amsoil due to the fact that a friend of mine fried his YZ250 running 100:1 and I don't want the same luck. Out of all, the MC1 is the ticket, I run it at 50:1, zero problems, zero spooge. Started running this from Cam's suggestion. That guy knows his stuff.  8)

 JETTING is key![/quote]

Yup, no modifications beats a correctly jetted bike. No, not even a serious bore job.

Offline KXcam22

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Top End Longevity with good oil!
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2005, 03:06:16 AM »
  This is quite interresting finding out everyones experiences.  When I started racing in the mid 70's penzoil at 32:1 was the ticket - but lots of seizes, blown rods etc.  It was considered normal to explode your bike once or twice per season.  Guess that's why I'm a good mechanic now.  When I discovered MC-1 that all stopped immediately. Haven't exploded anything (yet?) on MC-1.  I'm sure others who switched to good oils at some time have had similar experiences.  I haven't used the 2-R but have met lots who like it.  My reasoning may seem kind of silly but I like keeping things simple. With having so many different 2-strokes at home (8) all asking for different oil/gas mixes, I started running the same mix in everything long ago so I would only have one gas can (a large one though!).  Same goes for the ex oil injected bikes.  The oil pump quit on my RD350LC road race bike at big speed once.  Was exciting and a $2K repair and never been a fan of oil injection since.  In all instances, my engines have run and started far better with the MC-1.  Carbon and oil residue vanish.  Also, this way when we go riding I take 4 bikes but only one gas can.  My grandads ancient merc outpoard (called for 20:1) went from a 30 pull starter to a 2 pull starter when I started running my race bike gas (85:1 MC-1) in it.  Lately i've even taken to always adding fuel stabilizer so if I leave gas in something (chainsaw etc.) over the winter it doen't matter.

I don't always trust my dealer either.  A friend came to me last year when his sons new KX60 kept seizing at high RPM.  Upon investigation, the premix oil the Kaw dealer had told him to run was actually low-qualtity 2-stroke injector oil.  A switch to MC-1 rectified things.  I am an avid MC-1 fan (how can you tell) but there are lots of great oils out there. Find a good one that works for you and stick with it.  Then go riding lots!! Cam.


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Top End Longevity with good oil!
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2005, 03:28:45 AM »
Here's a vote for Belray MC-1 at 50:1 with 98 octane. Just had the barrel off my 03 KX5 after last years season which I clocked around 100 hrs or so of trail riding and top end was clean as a whistle. Just wiped off the combustion chamber and piston top, slipped on new rings and back together she went  :lol:

Offline Timbowe

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Top End Longevity with good oil!
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2005, 10:46:19 AM »
Cam, fuel stabiliser is a good move. I use it too. Specially when your filling a big can and it could sit round for a while. Fuels round here dont seem to have a very long life now days.
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Offline Timbowe

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Top End Longevity with good oil!
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2005, 04:54:51 PM »
But surely it must be better if the fuel is not swamped with heavy 2 stroke oil, like the higher the ratio the harder it must be for the enginge to combust the mixture? Lets face it 2 stroke oil is not a highly combustable substance. So a 100:1 mix has got to be more flamable than a 50:1 ratio. Ams oil 100 has protected my and quite a few others bikes particually well over the years. They have been into synthectics since 1972. Being US made I thought some of you dudes mite have been using it?  They had some dumb multi-level marketing scheme here for a while trying to sell it. Only made a few  a little better off. They have scrapped it now. I just buy it straight from the importer in bulk. Cheapest.
                              5 cents there.
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