Author Topic: 500AF exhaust  (Read 15261 times)

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Offline scooterVOOII

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Re: 500AF exhaust
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2014, 05:58:08 PM »
George Fanelli is a total douchebag, who's still taking people's money, and still building junk. There's enough info floating around out on the web, but somehow, he still manages to find victims. cipala, glad you didn't get hosed.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 05:59:41 PM by scooterVOOII »

Offline cipala895

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Re: 500AF exhaust
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2014, 03:37:45 AM »
LOL that gave me a good laugh, I kind of figured that after doing a little research funny stuff.

I've decided there's no better way than to do it myself that way if something happens I can only blame myself and a screw up costs a lot less

Offline RoostDaddy

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Re: 500AF exhaust
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2014, 10:59:38 PM »
Cipala , I too have often wondered and asked what the pros/cons would be using a CR pipe on the KX. Still haven't heard or seen any true comparison between any pipes. (I know from experience the difference between a few different K5 pipes). Which makes me believe that there will be a difference just unsure as to how drastic.
One thing that has surprised me is that nobody's contacted Shearer about his CR pipe. I've heard from an inside source that his pipe makes some serious power with numbers to back it up. Maybe he would give some insight on the CR pipe on a KX. Don't know what the price would be but I'm sure he'd even make something.
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Offline cipala895

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Re: 500AF exhaust
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2014, 04:28:15 AM »
i also tried contacting him, no luck. to get a custom pipe from him would be the ticket, but hard to do when he won't talk to ya!
 I am thinking there will be a difference but I'm not sure what, and hopefully for the better. after looking at my pipe while taking apart my 500 I realized it had a few different creases it different parts, so that was definitely hurting me as well. From what I've heard the best option I can do is just use a cpi and hope it doesn't hurt the power too bad, and from what I have heard it doesn't.

Offline cipala895

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Re: 500AF exhaust
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2014, 04:29:46 AM »
Go on shearers facebook, he just made a Honda 366 or 368cc and made custom exhaust posted it had 71 hp, that's more than most of our 500's on here! The pipe looked awesome too.

Offline 1901306708

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Re: 500AF exhaust
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2014, 01:40:51 PM »
Just did a pipe for my kx5. Spent a fair amt of time on a dyno. Made some nice peak and real good tq too. Picked up 10 if I remember right and tq was almost flat from 6-8500 I think. It was awhile back of I don't remember exactly.

Check out Neil's power pipes on Facebook or his website. I've known him for awhile.

He needs the bike to build the pipe and he's not a real high production shop so it takes some time, but you wouldn't be disappointed.