Author Topic: Are CRF450R's suffering from premature rod failures?  (Read 6402 times)

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Offline sandblaster

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Are CRF450R's suffering from premature rod failures?
« on: September 18, 2014, 06:19:21 PM »
Are CRF450R's suffering from premature rod failures? Or something else?
Far be it from me to disparage red bikes.
I think Honda makes quality bikes.
However, I am noticing trend and I am not the only one.
It seems that Honda's CRF450R's suffer from what appears to be major rod failures far in excess from other manufactures.
There was some discussion here before on this subject.
I mentioned from my own experience that I buy CRF450R's more then any other of the manufactures with blown engines... Specifically broken rods.
Someone else quickly jumped to defend Honda's but I don't remember who.
I didn't say anything on this forum but in my own mind I concluded that Honda was using too light of a rod or had a quality control issue.
Well... I had a local engine builder come in my shop earlier this week and he complained that I never had any later model CRF450R engine cases or top ends.
I told him that was because every one I bought had suffered from a catastrophic engine failure and the parts he needs were always damaged.
So he then told me that the CRF450R's have weak rods which is what I always thought.
Today I picked up a 08 CRF450R.
Guess what?
Blown rod and destroyed top end.
So of course I'm thinking that this is another case of Honda's weak rod....
But not so fast.....

I stumbled across some info at a physics forum that may shed some light on the subject.

Hi, I am an amtuer engine builder working on offroad race motorcycles. On the Honda Crf450 engines I have been working on, I have been having a large number off con rods failing in numerous ways.
I have had the the con rod snap right below the piston with no sign of bearing failure. I've had the con rod shatter into over 10 peices with no signs of bearing failure. I've also had the bottom of the con rod break as if the lower bearing has seized, but do bearing damage.
I have been told that with other engine mods I have performed that there is too much oil pressure causing a hydraulic lock of my lower bearing at sudden increases of rpm , thus destroying the con rod with no bearing damage. So I tried a ''relieved con rod'' so oil could escape more easily, but have had the same issues. There are no signs of detonation on the piston. I am running a piston with a lot of clearence to avoid thermal piston growth and seize. And the piston is not hitting the head or crank flywheels. Engines have blown at all different levels of rpm.
The engine is running peak 13,700 rpms, Bore and stroke is 96mm x 62.1, Comp ratio is 13.5:1, With my modifications I am getting about 20% more HP than stock. Could this just be too much power for these con rods? Any ideas for solutions to my problem would be greatly appreciated.

The rods have out lived there useful service life at these loads. The answer to this problem is to install an hour meter and replace the rod at a shorter service interval. I have built many of these motors. A CRF450 @ 60+ HP the dependable service life got very short. These motors are utilizing lots of handed down F1 technology.
Titanium valves are stock on these models.
Honda recommends inspection and/or replacement of pistons at ten hours.
The pistons are slipper skirt and have to be run at .0015 piston to cylinder clearance.
The stock CRF450 piston skirt is only .828" tall by1.386" wide!
Real light weight. But a very short service life.
The days of a whole dependable race season on a motor are over.

So, the one I bought today had parts of the piston sticking out through the cylinder  :-o
Perhaps the problem has always been a piston design with a short service life...

Any thoughts?
« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 06:21:43 PM by sandblaster »
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.

Offline alward25

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Re: Are CRF450R's suffering from premature rod failures?
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2014, 06:51:19 PM »
Running a component past its service life is never good.  I new piston does not make a new engine.  Also, I know a lot of guys that run their bikes on the rev limiter and that causes so much premature wear.  Honda's make a great product, except the CR500 :lol:.  If everyone maintained their bikes semi close to the factory recomendations they would see fewer problems, but who has the money to do that?  A little preventative maintenance goes a long ways.  There are also more red and blue bikes out there so we will see more broken ones.
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Offline don46

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Re: Are CRF450R's suffering from premature rod failures?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2014, 03:32:18 AM »
Sandblaster, do you know if the piston failures are the stock cast pistons? Kawasaki had issues way back when with piston design and continues to make improvements. the guy said he was running a piston with alot of clearance, that is a bad thing as well with the short skirts. 10 hrs. seems to be an unreasonable time frame to inspect your piston, if I was going to the trouble of pulling it down and inspecting it I would install a new piston. I dont ride with anybody that runs a Honda 450 so I wouldn't comment on that but I will say all the manuf that make good hp have had some issues, you may recall yamaha valves snapping kawi pistons cracking and there are other instances, but to be honest I don't hear alot about crankshaft failures. maybe forged pistons with the right clearance are answer
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Offline DoldGuy

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Re: Are CRF450R's suffering from premature rod failures?
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2014, 07:22:12 AM »
Years ago when I purchased my 01 YZ250F new, I loved the way the bike handled & revved, but within a few months after going over the recommended service intervals (parts replacement) sold the bike quickly (they were in high demand).

If memory serves, valve replacement every 20 hours...a 5 valve set was over $700 back then, too many $$$ for me.

I don't know what the intervals are on the new stuff but would imagine components are lasting a bit longer, although it can only be but so much. How many actually follow the recommended intervals? I know I could not afford to.

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Offline sandblaster

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Re: Are CRF450R's suffering from premature rod failures?
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2014, 10:26:36 AM »
Good question...
This piston was so mangled I couldn't tell what it was.
I'll look through pics of past bikes and see if I can figure out what they were.
And yes... Excessive piston clearance is a major problem for a bike with a skirt that short...
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.

Offline sandblaster

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Re: Are CRF450R's suffering from premature rod failures?
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2014, 10:32:35 AM »

The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.

Offline Foxx4Beaver

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Re: Are CRF450R's suffering from premature rod failures?
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2014, 10:36:07 AM »
holy s**t, now that qualifies as catastrophic!
Excuse me, ma'am...but you've got extremely nice legs!!!...what time do they open???                                                                                                     

Offline Mike Grant

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Re: Are CRF450R's suffering from premature rod failures?
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2014, 06:12:03 PM »
I had a 05 TRX450r which is 90% the same motor.....rod broke in half and smashed the bottom of the cylinder then smashed the cases to pieces. Motor was a complete write off. I'll take some pictures when I go to parents place

Offline Mike Grant

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Re: Are CRF450R's suffering from premature rod failures?
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2014, 06:18:30 PM »

Offline sandblaster

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Re: Are CRF450R's suffering from premature rod failures?
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2014, 06:59:59 AM »
This is what happens to those pesky red bikes that get in my way  8-)

The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.


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Re: Are CRF450R's suffering from premature rod failures?
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2014, 09:47:43 AM »