I have a proposal for any member...
Take a look at this head

I want to experiment with a protective chemical called Sharkhide.
You can read more about it here:
http://www.oem-cycle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=249Faq's from the manufacture is here:
http://www.sharkhide.com/mpfaq.htmlI want to vapor blast a head then coat it with Sharkhide and see how well it holds up on a bike with high heat.
If it does as I suspect, it should help maintain that bright finish for at least a few years.
Sharkhide is easily removed so that is not a problem.
If the coating does not hold up very well, we can remove the coating and vapor blast the head again.
So, if anyone is getting ready to build their engine, send me your head and I will do the work and send it back at my expense.
It will take a few days to get it done as I want to be sure the tank is clean before I start and I want drying time for the Sharkhide.
I can tell you that if you get gas or any petroleum product on a Sharkhide finished part, the sharkhide will come off.
So, lets go...