Author Topic: Kxf 10 won't start  (Read 7672 times)

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Offline alexandres

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Kxf 10 won't start
« on: August 09, 2014, 12:49:06 PM »
Hello, I got a 2010 250f kawa and never had a single problem since 1 years. This morning I changed oil as usual (1L) + filter. I started it and everything went fine.

I drove about 2 minutes and it just stopped like if there no gas and didn't made any scary noise. I've never managed to start it again, it does some backfire but nothing more.

Please tell me what should I check first? I'm kind of new on those.

sorry for my bad english,


Offline sandblaster

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Re: Kxf 10 won't start
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2014, 12:55:33 PM »
Hey Alex, Welcome to the site.
The first thing I would check is the spark plug.
Pull the old spark plug out, get a new plug, gap it, and see what happens.
Let us know..
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 12:57:16 PM by sandblaster »
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.

Offline alexandres

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Re: Kxf 10 won't start
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2014, 02:14:19 PM »
Good I'm going to check this, can i just unplug it and kickstart to see if it fire? or the plug may be damaged even if it spark ?

Offline Brute

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Re: Kxf 10 won't start
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2014, 04:14:51 PM »
The old one may spark outside of the cylinder even if it won't run the bike when it is in the cylinder so just checking spark on the old one will not tell you it is good. The color may give you an indication of the issue though.
NEW plug and try again. Make sure your gas is good and once you get it started check (or have someone do it for you) to make sure the bike is tuned properly..
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Offline alexandres

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Re: Kxf 10 won't start
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2014, 12:23:48 AM »
Hey guys, I'm back from some test on the bike and I couldn't get it started yet...

I checked the spark plug and it spark light blue so i gaped it and nothing again. since the dealer store is closed i'll try with a brand new one tomorow.

I noticed that my Oil level was over the indicator glass so I made it to oil level (950 ml). does this can result to damage the bike? I mean it was very high in oil.
