well it's pretty much done, just gotta throw the mounting brackets back on.

and now for the real test....to see if it still looks good once installed!

and it does!
the color is a bit off, but that's to be expected with an aftermarket cover...my other aftermarket cover was off too, but seemed to blend in better over time.
total time...including removing the old cover/staples, cleaning the snot outa the pan/preparation, and installing the new cover...was 1 hour and 45mins....
the key to seat covers is to KEEP it warm and pliable throughout the install, that's why putting it in a hot car/truck for a while works awesome, because the WHOLE seat gets warm, and the seat foam holds the heat for quite a while....I've watched guys struggle for hours and even days in some cases over the years because they don't KEEP them warm so they can stretch...which is also an easy way to tear/damage a brand new cover before it's even on!
Now it's on to more important things...drinking!