Author Topic: It finally happened!  (Read 3719 times)

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Offline gowen

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It finally happened!
« on: February 20, 2005, 11:21:54 PM »
I went out with my Dad, Friend, and myself riding yesterday/Sunday to the Track. Rode all day and after we finished, we loaded up and decided to stop at a MCDonalds right down the road a few miles. So, we parked under a lightpole, right in front on the gas station (combined). Walked in, ordered our food and sat down to eat. After we were done, we were kind of chilling. Then my Dad decided to get up and check on the bikes, well, he was walking up to the door outside when he noticed some big black fellow on a dirtbike in a new looking KX250 in the gas station, comes to find out, it had a big 63 (all my bikes have 63 on them)!! The guy was stealing my bike with my Dad's helmet on his head! He was on it trying to crank it (did not ride it that day, so it was a cold start), anyway my Dad yelled for me to come outside (which I did not hear the first time) and ran outside himself, knocked the guy off the bike thrrew him on the ground and some fellow came running and was helping him hold the guy down, who was putting up a nasty fight, so my Dad ran back inside called for me again and told my Mom to call the police. So, oh boy, I had some serious issues running through my stomach, my Dad never yells and when I stepped outside, I saw my truck empty, tools and parts scattered everywhere on the ground and then look out to see some big black dude fighting with some white guy and saw the bike on the side, well I go running out there to help, make sure I put in my two cents  :twisted: worth of hits, then we pin the guy till the police shows up. So, all in all, the moron broke my brake lever. The cops had to fight the guy pretty well, it ended up they threw him face first on the pavement with his hands cuffed behind his back (serves him right). Anyway, never thought anybody would steal a bike from a truck under a light pole. What has this world become. I am fortunate that I got the bike back, got the dumbass doing it, AND made sure the guy knew I was upset with a few good ones to the face..  Just thought I'd share that.

Offline hughes

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It finally happened!
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2005, 03:00:40 AM »
Good for you. I have stopped many times at fast food places to grab someting quick and never even considered someone would steel my bikes.
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Richard Hughes
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Offline Ramski

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It finally happened!
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2005, 07:35:07 AM »
Hopefully no one took video of the beating.  You know the kind where the criminal becomes the victim.  

Glad to see this all end on a good note.  The bad thing is that this guy will probably be right back on the streets very soon.
Danny Lesovsky

Offline KXcam22

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It finally happened!
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2005, 07:52:34 AM »
  Well Done!! Cam.

Offline machine

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It finally happened!
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2005, 12:10:13 PM »
Great job!!!!!

"my two cents  worth of hits"
I love that!!!!

"The bad thing is that this guy will probably be right back on the streets very soon."

Well I don't know if he'll try to steal any more "Green Machines"


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It finally happened!
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2005, 08:43:25 AM »

That's terrible that someone tried to rip your bike.  Glad you stopped them.  That is the number one reason I switched to the van in 1998, and blacked out the windows, and made sure there were not any motorcycle related stickers on the outside of the van, and have my concealed weapons permit, and carry my 9mm EVERYWHERE on my person.

Now that we are traveling and staying in various outback locations, I am a little more concerned.  If someone decides to mess with us, we are on our own.  I guess, the 12 gauge assault shotgun, three 9mm's with extra clips, 9mm rifle with 30 round clips, 308 rifle with 6x18 scope (in case they try and run), 357 magnum, and roughly 10,000 rounds of ammo will just have to act as a deterent.  Hopefully, we will never have an issue, but if we do, I'll bet with all the lead that we can throw (and all of the guns are kept with full clips, safety off), we have a good chance of winning....


Offline gowen

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It finally happened!
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2005, 12:29:26 PM »
Hi Rick! I was out at the NC Motorsports Park on Sunday at the gas station off #1 right in Henderson, you might have passed it. Henderson is not really a good part of NC anyhow, but I wish I had a shotgun when I saw the guy. I have to go back for court in a month or so, they should call. But, are you going ot be in town anytime in the near future? I just got a new job and have more time to spare and actually have Saturdays off now. Which is huge in my book


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It finally happened!
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2005, 05:12:52 AM »

Actually, I am currently in Idaho, but we are thinking about heading that direction in a month or so.  There are a few races we want to enter here in west before it gets too hot and dusty, and then head that direction.  I'll keep you posted when we are driving out.


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It finally happened!
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2005, 07:56:49 AM »
Quote from: Rick
and made sure there were not any motorcycle related stickers on the outside of the van,

That's one people often forget about.

Over here you just DON'T leave your bike unlocked.

Offline gowen

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Re: It finally happened!
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2006, 04:31:03 AM »

Bored at work on the west coast and I decided to look over my court papers and decided I'd update this thread with the outcome of the bike thief. He was being charged with Felony Theft.

Well, two court cases later, went to trail and the outcome was:

Pleaded guilty to Misdeminor Theft.
18 months probation-
40 hours community service-
$500 restitution (them stock pipes and levers are expensive!!)
8 hours of some quality of life class
Can't be in contact with me.... We already made it clear who was calling the shots.  :mrgreen:

I'm unhappy with the outcome, I know he will be back out on the streets doing the same stuff. I don't expect to see my $500 (bruised knuckles, scratched stock **EXPENSIVE** pipe, and broken levers). He was already on probation to start with. So, look out. :-) I didn't waste too much time, the DA did most of the case without me.

They asked me what I wanted the outcome to be and I said is 'ol SPARKY an option?..  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8-)

Offline Timbowe

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Re: It finally happened!
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2006, 10:30:21 AM »
Yeah FRY that barstard!!!  :evil: This is the problem today, not enough discipline to scare these idiots of doing this stuff.
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Offline r1ray

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Re: It finally happened!
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2006, 02:28:51 PM »
Man that sucks. Thats how I lost my R1: to a d**n crook.