« on: July 09, 2014, 01:07:02 PM »
For all ya supermoto freaks MAVTV is airing the races as I right this. Not sure of the schedule just thought I would throw it out there!! No K5's that I see.

My rides: 1994 KX500, 1988 T4, 1998, ZXI 1100 JETSKI, 2003 MOUNTAIN CAT 900
WIFES (Baby Fiver) rides: 2004 KTM 105SX,1992 LT250R, 1995 ZXI 900 JETSKI, 2011 RMK 600
SONS ride: 1995 YZ125,2002 RM 250
other rides: 2007 RMZ450 RC Ediition, 2003 RMK700