The Kawi/Suzuki 450F deal went south due to some bad feelings over the DRZ-KLX400 AND the RMZ/KXF...Kawi was given a B/P of a motor. PERIOD. The amount of Development and its associated costs were, also, a bit of a sore point with see...there's a budget issue with development costs...
Problem #1(some folks would tell you that there's no relation between one problem and the other...ever worked with Hi-Level Japanese Exec's or American Marketing Types?):
Kawaski AND the dealers were PISSED at the limited (Initial) availability and late delivery of the KLX400...especially the Street model...dual-sport is a hot segment in CA.
Problem #2: There appears to be some "Bad Blood" over the Kawasakification of the KXF/RMZ. Appearantly there's a "Who's your daddy" thing going on over at Suzuki.
BTW, I got a lot of this from "Marketing" types, so use your salt liberally!
Funny-thing...noone wants to hear anything about this issue or create a KXF category over at TT..they don't get it, I guess...The KXFers have to post on a Suzuki Cat/Thread! Hulk's been doin' it...he..well...and I am trying to get him some Green Plastic...but...well...he...HE BOUGHT A YELLOW KAWASAKI
At least he's Green at heart and tryin' to get his Green Groove back on!
I'm gonna go retrieve the "Bubba's New Gig" thread on the KXF Cat. News on Bubba's KXF riding problems...Thump, thump, clunk...Stay tuned!