Author Topic: Cold and Bored n Bitchin... Jetting ?  (Read 2867 times)

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Offline Oblivious Maximus

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Cold and Bored n Bitchin... Jetting ?
« on: May 17, 2014, 07:23:53 PM »
 Still frezzinass cold here NE central Mi. (Polar Vortax, 34 now) tomorrow sposed to be 65 and no coldass rain. WoooHooo.

 Anyway. New to me PC platinum pipe, turbin core II on my stock motor, Boysen power valve 87 KX 250.

 170 main,  45 pilot,  CEG - 2.665 needle, Kieihin PWM 38, 1100 ft. chitty 10% ethanol premium 40-1 lucas simi syn.
 Only rides this spring was on a 30 min. run on local cross country course which went well except for sore shoulders and my 1 1/2 mile woods run every couple days. Lots  of mid and top no problem.

 I do a 4 roll over (with choke) pre kick start and the bike will start first full kick every time (or even start on the last slow roll) and runs good except for first gear throttle stomp.

 Question is, do the jets sound about right before I start messing with the low end delivery?

 Second question.... Will it ever warm up here ?


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Offline Foxx4Beaver

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Re: Cold and Bored n Bitchin... Jetting ?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2014, 04:04:45 AM »
those settings sound ok....but no one can truly tell without riding/hearing it.
what's making you think the low end jetting needs adjustment?
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Offline Oblivious Maximus

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Re: Cold and Bored n Bitchin... Jetting ?
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2014, 02:03:07 PM »

 Hey Foxx thanks for responding.

 From a stand still hole shot start I get bogging about 1/4 throttle and from a 5 mph roll I get the same bog after 1/4 throttle.

 If I let off a little and then crank it back up all is well. Mid and top end are great.

 New gas but it likely was the winter blend stuff. Next fuel will come from the marina with no ethanol.

 The carb was thoroughly cleaned at my electronics work bench with lots of light and magnification.

 If I remember right the clip is 2nd notch from top and air screw at 1 1/2 turns. I basically installed it from the bench and
 haven't adjusted anything but the idle speed because it started so easy.

 Silencer outlet has a little mostly dry carbon and the plug looks good. With the stock pipe and silencer the exhaust was an oily
 mess and it took 7 or 8 kicks to start.

 If your thinking the jet sizes look good I'll try the air screw adjustment. The weather looks better for the next ten days so

 maybe I'll get a chance to actually ride enough to warm it up.
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Offline Foxx4Beaver

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Re: Cold and Bored n Bitchin... Jetting ?
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2014, 08:25:41 AM »
1st, double check that your float height is set correctly...and probably should check for air leaks too! almost sounds like it's starving for fuel right off the bottom.

if you do decide to play with pilot jets, go one size bigger 1st, and see if the bogging goes away or gets better overall...DON'T go leaner 1st, that could be costly :cry:

keep us posted.
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Offline Oblivious Maximus

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Re: Cold and Bored n Bitchin... Jetting ?
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2014, 04:13:24 PM »
Thanks Foxx, for the suggestions and info. Very much appreciate your taking time to help. It finally has warmed up round here.

Well.. After doing an airbox mod on my wifes XR100 and cleaning the filter, I realized with all the work I did over the winter I

never did open the air box or look at the filter on my bike.

Last October we were in Michigans U.P. for two weeks and rode maybe 150 miles on damp sand trails and old RR beds not

worrying too much about filters because there was no dust and I was dismantling my bike when I got home.

I bought a very nice sub frame with an air box in it. I polished the  

outside of both boxes and decided to use the old one. Then I moved on to rebuilding the upper sub frame mounts which had

been drilled out and bolted thru which tilted my old welded up sub frame to the left. Welded in a mount for the new pipe,

re plumbed and fitted a turbine core 2 from an early 2000's Suzuki, rebuilt the shock, cleaned the carb, new green vent tubes,  

linkage bearings and put it all together with great results except the bogging problem.

I usually clean the filter every 2 weeks but this time with the long vacation rides there was nearly a quarter cup of sand

apparently causing the bogging. Runs fine now.

Must have been those long romantic trail rides ?

Another tidbit of info.. If you ever work on an 03 XR100 and can only get it to run on half choke, before banging your head on

the floor for two days... Full choke is lever up. Choke off is lever down.

Sometime I think the older I get the less I know. That's scary when you didn't know much to start with.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 04:46:28 PM by Oblivious Maximus »
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