U would think the guy would know what type of motor he fitted 
I sent this guy a email yesterday.
Can you send me some better pics of the engine?
Also, what is the engine ID number?
No response.
So, I sent another email this morning:
I contacted you yesterday to try and help you out but I received no response.
This seems a bit odd so let me detail my concerns.
That is not a KX500 engine of any year.
It is a CR500 engine.
What year?
I don't know but, If I had the engine ID I could tell you.
Since you don't know that you are selling a CR500 engine it makes me wonder what else you don't know about the bike.
Attached is a pic of what a 89-04 kx500 engine looks like.
As you can see, it does not look anything like the CR500 engine in your bike.
I am willing to help you avoid a major eBay problem but your response is required.
Best regards.
Details to follow