I consider myself pretty lucky...coming from a family that's 80% into law enforcement, and myself working at my local Trial Court, I don't have to worry about any of the B.S. about "you can't ride here"..."you're destroying state/town property"....I can get out of just about any dirt bike issue.
But it is getting harder and laws are getting tighter around here too.
Your right Brute.
We are our own worst enemies.
I have no problem with restricted area's, protecting wildlife, and the environment.
I do hunt after all so I want a healthy ecosystem 
I guess the part that irks me is their lack of common sense when making and enforcing regulations.
Heaven forbid that you get caught shooting a tree in Oregon, it will now cost you 500 bucks.
How long will it be before we get limited to indoor riding arena's 
Sounds funny but it may come to that for our children's children.
This is a complex issue dealing with Constitutional matters that have gone unresolved. Some of you may be aware that Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, and Idaho have met to pursue reclaiming "federal lands" to their respective States control. This all before the Bundy Ranch standoff.
Some of my opinions:
1- U.S. BLM and Forest Service should not exist. The States should manage the public lands in their borders. In the mean time the Agents should not be armed or involved in Law Enforcement.
2- I don't want current public land sold to the highest bidder. I believe the management should continue 4 fold: grazing, mining, timber, and recreation.
3- Protection of public land is a local and state matter. "BRUTE" you are right to want pubic land cared for properly. Wildlife thrives where the humans are this creates a need for common sense protection for humans first animals second (like I said my opinions here).
4- Blah blah blah I have many more but not enough time to go on