Hello everyone, My name is Glenn Webb and I'm from Oregon. I'm 28, married, and have an awesome 3 year old son. I visited this site and checked it through and through before I joined up and I must say that I am very impressed with the content, advise, and maturity level I have seen on this forum. I have been without a bike for the last two years, and since tax time will be upon us here in the very near future, I have decided two years is long enough and its time for a new ride. I've only had the opportunity to ride 2 Kawi's ever, a '98 KX 125, and a '95 KDX 200, but have never had the pleasure of owning my own "Green Machine" even though I have loved Kawi green since I was a child. My last ride was a Zuki RMX 250, which was a great bike, tons of fun to ride, but even with the few years that I have been riding, seemed a little lacking in power. After paddling it up for 1 trip to the Florence, Oregon sand dunes, I decided to get rid of it. I had a friend at the time that had a '90 CR500 that was beat to hell, missing one (maybe even 2) of the motor mounts, and had no back brakes. Needless to say I wouldnt ride it. Especially since I watched it kick everyones a$$ that even stood close to it. That was until one riding trip way up some logging roads where I fell victim to a fouled plug. Guess where the spares were? In the truck at the bottom of the hill. "Here, take my bike" was my friends suggestion. GULP.... uhmmm... Ok. After riding that beast down 10 miles of logging roads and back up, I was addicted to big bore power, just not THAT bikes big bore power. There's just something about twisting the throttle at the top of 5th, and still kicking the a$$ end sideways that I dont think I'll ever get enough of. And since I have so many people around here ride the dunes, as do all of my riding buddies, I know there will be no substitute for a big bore bike. I'm hoping to get a '00 or newer K5hundy by the end of Feb, but they are few and far between around these parts. I hope to have one soon and I thank you all in advance for the wealth of knowledge that will be bestowed upon me from your website. Its awesome, and I'm hooked allready! Thank you for having me and helping me make my final decision on my next bike! (Sorry to be so long winded!)