Yeomans, would your guy be willing to do a tank for me? Can you put me in touch?
gwcrim heres the info I have for him
Baileys Plastic Fabrication Ltd.
His name is Chris Bailey, really nice and super knowledgeable about plastics.
web site
www.baileysplastic.comJust let him know you've seen one of his tanks and explain to him thats what you're looking to have done.
He's a small local guy, so he'd probably be really surprised about someone calling from the U.S lol.
When I got mine done he told me it wouldn't be pretty, but it would hold. I also was told that I could get a sander out and sand some of the welded area down to smooth out the tank for looks if I was concerned.
Figure out how much tank you need cut off and mark it. The tank was cut on a bandsaw so the new piece of plastic could be a flat bottomed tank with grade towards the petcock.
Your petcock placement is key as well. If you need any better photos of my tank just let me know