Hey jcm3,
I just saw your thread and All American patch and wanted to say - THANKS FOR SERVING, AIRBORNE!
Are you putting your K5 motor in a KX 250 frame? I'm building a KX500AF right now, you can look at my thread - It's in the 500 AF section (1990 KX 500 to 2006 KX450F). I'm almost finished with mine. I hope to get it running by this weekend.
I served a few years (33) in the Army too, and was deployed to AFG under the Eighty-Deuce in 2007. I was in Kabul at Camp Eggers. That was a fun year!!! I did get to ride a KLX 650 the US was providing to the Afghan Border Police. It's was funny, the screening criteria to be a rider was that you had to be able to pick the bike up off the ground unassisted. They had 10 gal. fuel tanks on them and weighed a ton. Most of the Afghans couldn't lift them off their sides...
Anyway, when I was stationed in Germany in 2004, I rode MX with the lead R&D rider for Kawasaki Motor Corp. (KMC) Europe, Alex Michael. He was a member of my club and we got to be good friends. He helped me a lot with my bike.
I bought a complete 2001 KX 250 roller off Ebay and asked him to help me make a SF conversion with it. He told me not to do it because they had tried many different set-ups using that frame and they always broke. He said the 250 frame is just not made for the brutal vibration and torgue of the K5 motor.
I'm sure there are guys on here who will disagree, and there are ways to gussett that frame to make it work, but I wanted to share that with you before you dive in and spend a lot of hard earned money. That's why I waited and went for the AF.
Keep your feet and knees togerther!!! Howie