Hey, how are you healing up?
funny you ask...I just went back to work Monday March 31st...I thought I did something majorly wrong the 1st day back, as I was in a lot of discomfort, a lot!. So I suffered through it for a few days until the Doc could see me. I actually thought I was gonna get sick walking into the Docs....I started feeling really whoozy, expecting the worst possible news.
Thankfully, I was just being over paranoid, and because it had only been 6 weeks since the surgery, and for the fact the muscles are weak from not doing anything for those 6 weeks...he said it was normal, and that everything is still good...and he was very happy how it looks.
I dumped the old fuel outa the 250 and 500 this morning, because I plan on starting them tomorrow...they haven't been run since the 1st week of January

....I'm a bit unsure if I'll be able to start the 500, I may have to call my buddy and have him come over and fire it off for me...we'll see

All in all...doing ok...I'm still far from being able to actually suit up and go riding...it might not be until July-ish til I don't feel any more discomfort/pain. The doctor keeps reminding me that I don't realize the magnitude of the surgery he did on me...and I need to be more patient!

Thanks for asking!