I normally use a hose, sprayer and a brush,but when its bad from not getting all those little spots I miss with a hose or a day of mud riding Ill use the pressure whasher,just stay away from bearings and electrics.I have a plug for my silencer,and Ive sealed my mag cover but you should remove it once in a while and spray it with WD and blow it out with air.Also use a long screw driver or something to push up the shock bumper,a lot of dirt gets down in there and can cause the shaft to start rusting.Its best to start your bike up after a whashing to let it warm up and dry it ,but Im always whashing at dark and dont want to bother the neighbors.I mix Fantastic and liquid dish wash soap that I spray on and wide selection of brushes in a bucket of hot dish soap water.I also use a pump up garden/bug sprayer full of simple green or purple power,and for some nasty areas spray on wheel cleaner for cars,but you have to be carefull using where and how long you leave it on.After the bikes clean I hit the chain,all pivot points and the shock shaft with WD 40 and blow it out with air,then use moly chain lube and WD 40 on the pivot points and chain.Im planing on going to Maxima chain wax on my chain though.Ill use lemon pledge on the plastic and some of the rubber,or floor wax on plastic and 303 on the rubber,or sometimes silicone spay on most everything.I release any air built up in the forks and change the air filter or any other basic maintence and clean the brake disks with a pad and brake clean after using spray lube and wax on the bike to clean off any over spray.