Repeat offender? If they dead they dont pull that or worse again. 2 in the chest 1 in the head. The systems full of criminals that just go to prison to learn more scams. Can you really say you know a recovered criminal ? Definition of crime = violence towards others or theft. Let em go & re-institute martial law , but its gotta apply to politicians too

I have criminals in my family tree , but drugs arent covered in my definition of crime. tweaker thieves excluded of course. Speeding a crime

its just a tax for the cops to clean up the wrecks, most "crime" is just a tax to feed the system.
I think the criminals get off way to easy, thats why we have the crime we have. do like they do in the middle east, you steal and you lose your right hand, you don't see many with both hands missing
It makes sense. The problem is the mentally challenged, everyone who rides a 500 included

,it leaves you with an insanity plea. & the people who werent raised right , you have to instill morals in youth as you cant teach an old dog new tricks.
It is a hard answer but , overpopulation & the strain on natural resources will sort this out soon.
Feel free to delete Motoraddor as this is covering "no politics"