Author Topic: Where's a cop when needed........  (Read 12680 times)

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Offline Danger4u2

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Where's a cop when needed........
« on: November 19, 2013, 04:14:16 PM »
Not a good view for young ones or the squeamish, removed from You Tube.
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Offline TJXK

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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2013, 09:22:55 PM »
I was fine with how they handled it until they just stood around and let him bleed out.  Pretty unethical law enforcement down there.

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2013, 12:07:41 AM »
In Oklahoma they would have been more ethical, that double tap would have been to the head.
More likely the victim (in OKC) would have shot the thief.
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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2013, 05:12:03 AM »
That's all well and good, but to leave them there to bleed out is akin to murder and way worse then stealing a motorcycle.

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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2013, 05:47:39 AM »
That's how it must be done.
In Holland the thief's have more rights than the victum.
Even as a policemen does this me has to go to jail here.

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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2013, 06:22:12 AM »
I don't know the law in Holland, but laws like that are in place to protect us from the police.  ...and it's the right thing to do  :?

Offline don46

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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2013, 10:25:42 AM »
I think the criminals get off way to easy, thats why we have the crime we have. do like they do in the middle east, you steal and you lose your right hand, you don't see many with both hands missing
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Offline TJXK

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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2013, 01:43:36 PM »
What happens when they get the wrong guy, shoot him and let him bleed out?  Then the guy turns out too be your dad or your brother?

Could you explain how criminals get off too easy?  I'm a Criminal Justice major.  It'd be interesting to hear what it is you think could be changed to better the system.

It really blows my mind when people want street judges and executioners running around in complete violation of the constitution.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 01:45:39 PM by TJXK »

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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2013, 02:00:31 PM »
I went back to review, I saw no blood pools, he appeared to be ok. The ambulance arrives in 4 minutes in. IMHO everything went well for even the armed robber. He should have been executed on the spot for trying to steal a motorcycle  :-D
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Offline 81cr450

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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2013, 02:38:26 PM »
Repeat offender? If they dead they dont pull that or worse again. 2 in the chest 1 in the head. The systems full of criminals that just go to prison to learn more scams. Can you really say you know a recovered criminal ? Definition of crime = violence towards others or theft. Let em go & re-institute martial law , but its gotta apply to politicians too  :wink:

I have criminals in my family tree , but drugs arent covered in my definition of crime. tweaker thieves excluded of course. Speeding a crime  :? its just a tax for the cops to clean up the wrecks, most "crime" is just a tax to feed the system.

I think the criminals get off way to easy, thats why we have the crime we have. do like they do in the middle east, you steal and you lose your right hand, you don't see many with both hands missing

It makes sense. The problem is the mentally challenged, everyone who rides a 500 included  :-D,it  leaves you with an insanity plea. & the people who werent raised right , you have to instill morals in youth as you cant teach an old dog new tricks.

It is a hard answer but , overpopulation & the strain on natural resources will sort this out soon.

Feel free to delete Motoraddor as this is covering "no politics"
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Offline TJXK

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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2013, 03:09:25 PM »
Repeat offender? If they dead they dont pull that or worse again. 2 in the chest 1 in the head. The systems full of criminals that just go to prison to learn more scams. Can you really say you know a recovered criminal ? Definition of crime = violence towards others or theft. Let em go & re-institute martial law , but its gotta apply to politicians too  :wink:

I have criminals in my family tree , but drugs arent covered in my definition of crime. tweaker thieves excluded of course. Speeding a crime  :? its just a tax for the cops to clean up the wrecks, most "crime" is just a tax to feed the system.

I think the criminals get off way to easy, thats why we have the crime we have. do like they do in the middle east, you steal and you lose your right hand, you don't see many with both hands missing

It makes sense. The problem is the mentally challenged, everyone who rides a 500 included  :-D,it  leaves you with an insanity plea. & the people who werent raised right , you have to instill morals in youth as you cant teach an old dog new tricks.

It is a hard answer but , overpopulation & the strain on natural resources will sort this out soon.

Feel free to delete Motoraddor as this is covering "no politics"

Yes, actually.

Most criminals "age out" of crime.  Here is a scholarly research article:

Section 5 from the Uniform Crime Report which is compiled by the FBI from police data spanning the country shows that the majority of violent crime is committed by 13-25 year old males:

Getting married, having a baby or simply getting older (25+ years) greatly reduces the chance that a person will continue to commit crime.  The hard data completely destroys your "can't teach an old dogs new tricks" angle.

As for anecdotal evidence, I knew a lot of bad guys in High School and the Navy that eventually grew out of it and became pretty good people.

As for the insanity plea, it's not a legitimate recourse in the majority of states.  For the ones that do allow insanity pleas, most juries don't buy it.

...also drugs are a huge contributing factor to crime.

Edit: Many typos.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 03:17:46 PM by TJXK »

Offline 81cr450

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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2013, 03:22:15 PM »
(25+ years)
& people tend to mellow

I'll give you that, but I think your actually using a skewed scale of reference. Why is the average age of inmates 40

I also believe that the older criminals are more likely to use minions , skewing the info as well. I do know a few lifers

& how many people do you see that smoke a joint or take a lude & walk farther than the fridge. Lumber industry propaganda aside , uppers do make for violent criminals, just what the government needs right?

I guess its just a matter of political correctness & who's cool-aid you drink
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 03:33:04 PM by 81cr450 »
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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2013, 03:29:41 PM »
Sorry missed one, I was trying to illustrate the "retard" factor not actual insanity pleas. Hence the retard factor / mentally damaged excuse. you have to ALLOW for that even though it gets "used" by the guilty because a retard grabs a piece of fruit & he doesnt deserve loss of limb. Just devils advocate.

 truely I mean no offence either, to each is own, & I aint in charge nor do I want to be, but I do have an oppinion as well as an "a' whole   
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Offline TJXK

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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2013, 03:30:26 PM »
You are comparing violent crime arrests to sentence length; apples and oranges.  The facts are clear in the UFC compiled by the FBI.  There is a good chance they committed their crime at a much younger age.  13-25 year olds commit the vast majority of violent crime.  It's not an opinion.

I agree that marijauna does not produce violent offenders.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 03:41:09 PM by TJXK »

Offline 81cr450

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Re: Where's a cop when needed........
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2013, 03:48:41 PM »
The question is crime = death though, not just violent crime. The, age out, doesnt quantify the inert criminal behavior. That criminal actions are a permanant fixture in a persons makeup due to upbringing & disregard for societal standards. Hence lifers & the carrying on of criminal behavior even though your not a violent criminal anymore, because you learned ways around it in prison as well as how far you can push. Does locking a man in a box really fix him?  Whats the loss, is he going to be able to teach that which he has never been taught to his offspring? Sure you need someone to take out your garbage, at what cost though.

Some how I hear Hitler int that last bit   :-o
if I only had a pair, I could actually ride this thing

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