i´ve ordered 2 years ago a set of cheap kawasaki-stickers on ebay..
what was in the envelop as i received it? honda!

contacted the seller, he said "keep it or throw it away, because its not worth his costs for reshipping" and he would send me the right ones...
what was in the mail 3 days later??... suzuki-stickers..

new call to him with the question, if he would know the diference of his offer and the 2 items, that ive got?
again he said: "keep it or throw away...."... and 3 days later i had my ordered kawi-stickers in the mail...
the other ones i sold later and so i had finally the kawi-stickers + the money

for this nice extra gift, i left him a positive for sure.
maybe was this seller an idiot, but this kind of purchase i could learn to love for bigger and expensive things like bikes and cars....