Author Topic: KX500 Woods Machine - Wow  (Read 4100 times)

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KX500 Woods Machine - Wow
« on: December 23, 2004, 02:24:00 AM »
Well, I'm still out on the East Coast, and since I will be here awhile, thought I should try and set the 500 up to ride these tight woods.  Yesterday, I traveled to another motorcycle park, and after 20 miles or so, decided I had to do something to my desert machine before I get hurt.  The problem is getting around the corners, and hitting trees.  Here was the process:

1. DROPPED THE FORKS.  I hated doing this, but it was either this or figure out how to get big green to bend in the middle.  Forks are now above the top triple clamp just over 1/2 inch.
2. Since I was tired of hitting trees, I grabbed that extra set of Pro Taper bars I keep in the van, grabbed the sawsall, and headed for the snack bar to find an outlet.  While others watched in shock and horror, I snipped one inch from each side of the bar.  I might also note, that this set of bars is much flatter than my normal high-speed bars, which I thought would help a lot.
3. During installation of the bars, I rolled the bars WWWAAAYYY forward.  Since tree riding involves more sitting, I needed to force more elbows up.

After bolting everything up, I jumped on the scooter for a test lap on the 10-mile loop.  I had selected this loop as it was a tight technical loop with roots, ruts, water crossings, rocks, mud, and lots of trees.  The first mile was not fun, as the bike turned on a dime, but after half a lap, I was in hog heaven, riding a 500 that would round berms like a 125.  What a hoot.  The only other thing I changed was to soften compression by three clicks since more weight was being transferred to the front end.

The flat/short bars really work great, but makes you a little nervous at speed.  By the 10th time around my chosen trail section, I was attacking the corners in third gear, with my feet never leaving be pegs, even on the hair pin turns (feet on the pegs is important, as you can catch your foot on ruts, rocks, roots, etc. and twist your knee.)

If you?re going to be riding some woods, don't be afraid to experiment with the bike setup.  Getting radical is sometimes the solution.



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KX500 Woods Machine - Wow
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2004, 03:29:35 AM »
Did you change your gearing?If so,from what?

Offline KXcam22

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KX500 Woods Machine - Wow
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2004, 06:08:01 AM »
  Your woods setup sounds alot like mine. I also found that one tooth bigger on the rear sprocket let me use 3rd a bit more in tight stuff.  For some reason one of the biggest factors for me was the front tire choice.  This might be a personality/riding style thing but I needed to have total confidence in the front end and it took awhile to find it.  I had to try a few different tires before I found one that would let me rail tight woods berms standing (in all conditions without washing out).  Have a good Xmas. Cam.


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KX500 Woods Machine - Wow
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2004, 06:29:40 AM »
Well Cam,what tire did you settle on?


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KX500 Woods Machine - Wow
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2004, 05:56:27 AM »
On the gearing, I am still running 14/47.  However, I would like a little more bark in third gear, so I think going to a 48 is probably the ticket.

On the tire, you could not be more correct.  My testing trail had a lot of mud, so I had to slide up the berm to find dry dirt, all while keeping my feet on the pegs and staying in third gear.  The first few times, I was a lot nervous, but found the groove around these corners.  I am still using my M12, and it seems to be holding the lines quite well.

I will get more practice next week, as I will be spending most of the week at a motorcycle park, and then racing the Hare Scrambles on Sunday.  Should be loads of fun.  Also, I find I have to use the clutch a lot more on the east coast, so have been using a physical theropy grip tool to build my endurance on my left arm.  


Offline KXcam22

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KX500 Woods Machine - Wow
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2004, 03:37:40 AM »
  I settled on that Kenda Unadilla front that I was blabbing about before.  In my local mud it rules by quite a margin! I am running 14/48 with the fork tube 12 mm up in the clamps.  My only issue to solve is too soft forks when running the compression clickers relaxed for woods riding.  My .42 are not enough for my 200lb turkey enhanced body mass. Luckily I found someone with some .46 who want to trade (his 300EXC has the same racetech part number). Rick, what are you doing out on the East coast?? Cam.


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KX500 Woods Machine - Wow
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2004, 02:07:41 AM »

I am starting another career in financial consulting.  Since I have a Masters degree and I am a CPA, and have been a Chief Financial Officer for a number of years, there seems to be quite a demand for folks with my background.  We sold our house, and are in the process of deciding which RV with slide outs to purchase.  Our intent is to work in the Southeast during the winter and Northwest during the spring and summer.  Hopefully, in five years (i'll be 50) we can just work six months each year.

The only problem I am having is internet access, as I alse teach accounting for the University of Phoenix, so must access class each day.  I am currently just finding coffee shops so access their wireless system, but think I will be installing a cell phone card in my laptop in the next few days.  I was hoping satalite would work, but I have to be a certified installer to be allowed to align the dish each time I change locations.  

Since we love to travel, it looks like a way to start retirement early.
