Hahaha yeah mostly my stuff and clients bikes ....I've got over 40 bikes/three wheelers and tons of NOS stuff for them and finding room is a big issue

the floors not usually that full of crap...it's due for a clean up ...funny thing is...I still know where everything is!!!Another amazing thing is people often mention "geeze I love coming here it's like a step back in time...you don't see places like this anymore,I can relate to this place coz it looks like my garage at home"

...I have a huge amount of customers that keep coming back because there's no "excuse me don't go past that line there" or bloke around the back working on there things without them seeing what's going on....to be honest i don't want to deal with the people that expect to see a spotless and surgical gloves being worn whilst doing a job for them...I find people are happy to watch how things get done and learn something at the same time...I've had many a compliment by clients by them watching me doing something...and it's far easier to get them to pay after they have witnessed what it takes to the job.I have the only place that has an NC machine,paint booth/tinting system,global jig moto jig chassis alignment bench,scheibner digital chassis measuring system,bending equipment,graphic printing machine,wheel rolling equipment,chassis building,carbon fibre autoclave and TIG welding TI,MAG,SS and AL all under the one roof so there lots of interesting things to see/learn