its a 300 cover...It clears!!! was the first thing i checked.....your going to have to give me a little more credit than that dave!

....however i can swivel the cover to orientate the starter more vertical if i had any problems.....This setup will give me a full 12v DC charging system aswell.....When the internals turn up i will have more information for you guys on how this is going to work....I may be machining the side of the crankcase off (where the original cover bolts to) about 8mm or so....i may also need to relocate the clutch cable mount but i might be able to incorporate it into the adapter plate that im making.....I will also be running the KTM flywheel/generator/pulse pickup and a mappable CDI...something that i feel this engine will greatly benefit from.....Im not sure if the victa auto decomp will activate under cranking untill i get it turning off the starter however I have a few ideas to combat this.
One being the early victa decomps are servicable,so i may use one of those and try a stiffer spring in it or worse case scenario is ditch the victa and use a normally closed egr solenoid that gets energised by an aux out on the CDI brain under say 300rpm