Righto ladies and gents. Please see the attached curves. Now before you all start saying "my bike makes more than that", I did a direct comparison between a heavily modified KX450 and mine and the peak power is within 1 hp of each other. The technician superimposed them and I can tell you that the 450 made similar peak power, but the 500 did it at about half the revs. And that is what makes it more brutal than the 450 as it doesn't have to wind up as much. He wasn't allowed to give me a print out, but I took some notes and at 50% of the 500's revs, it was producing 34 to 36 hp at the rear wheel. The 450 was at about 70% of the 11,000rpm to deliver the same power. The 500 produced about 4-6 ft-lbs more than the 450 and again at lower revs.
The blue line is the starting mess that I had. Airbox restricted, needle too lean to compensate for the airbox (although not lean enough to detonate). It was just like riding with the choke on all the time. It made power and torque up top and a lot down low, with a big dip in the middle (actually a huge dip).
Power curve:

Torque Curve:

I discussed why it didn't have the hp I expected to see after the tune, and he said that to draw an accurate comparison between the two bikes, you should really test both bikes on the same dyno closely timed to each other to eliminate temperature and humidity differences.
Jetting as it stands (still yet to tune the pilot jet, but it is running way too rich)
Pilot: 58
Slide: #7
Needle: N82M on the middle clip
How do you like them apples? Big change to the performance and he said the bike will be chalk and cheese to ride now compared to before.
P.S. Sorry ylwgtr, I didn't mean to hijack your thread, but seeing it was testing the KLX500, I thought it would be ok to put here. Perhaps an admin can move it to the Jetting again, and again thread.