which is where im thrown off...
cause it seems like i have a restriction somewhere else...
tried to ride it today, switched mufflers to see if maybe the wet spark arrestor was holding it back, but the stock one did not change anything, once it gets on the pipe, it falls on its face... so i repacked the the S.A.
cause in the garage it will roar and rev up, but under load... not so much.

so what would change the kips from where they go working under no load, to not working under load?

since May, my bike ran fine, and i havent pulled the engine apart at all yet, cause after i got it jetted, took it to the local shop, and they said it was in fantastic shape, so ive left it alone, ive been 75mph on the thing so far, (gps phone app) and still had more to go on, just no room. before i decided to drown the beast this month
im trying to figure out the kips, would the kips be slack with the engine off hence the exposed outer most exhaust ports?(over rotated closed position) then when idling, would the kips fully closed at idle due to rotation, and the gearing or what controls it? thought it might be difficult to see them working while bike is running and exhaust off,

little loud as well, then everything coming out... to see if the closed fully while idling
but really how would i know... just watch the control lever on the outside to see if it moves out the 1/16 of an inch to close the ports? cause by pulling about 1/16 out by hand, they are fully closed, while impossible to see, could that be one thing? just thoughts running through my head, had to throw out there