yeah. i have pulled everything, air filter, spark plug, exhaust, gas tank, Carb, air box ruber boot,
Air Filter: still full of water, rang it out, dried, re oiled,

Spark Plug: water down golden ring, (jetting is good) cleaned and dried,
kicked the engine over several times as well with plug in boot, against head to avoid ruining the system,
Exhaust: drained.
Gas tank: emptied, to check for water in the gas.
Carb: Pulled apart, sprayed,
Air Box: thoroughly cleaned as i had an 1/8 inch of dirt in the bottom, now looks new, pulled the rubber boot, and cleaned the crap out of it.
all back together, got it started, forgot to take the choke off, running real rough, had a hard time getting it to get moving then it just died. now i cant get it started, like the plug isn't even firing, hmmm
moving on to the mentioned Ignition system... how did i miss that? cant just get spark from nowhere. going to check that now!
also i was able to get one pic. then phone found rain, now no pics... kcuf