What a great night.........The best way I can describe how I feel about the reunion is this.......picture one of the most special era's of your life......now imagine jumping into a time machine and being able to spend just one more day "live" during that era......

One of the highlights of the night for me was when I stepped up to the podium to speak.......I spoke of the first experience I had with the team and how much of a role Team Green had played in my early youth........I could type down everything that was said but its one of those moments where you just had to be there......Before I went up to speak, Motorrad was kind enough to bring his Danny Hamel seat with him......The seat was stashed away in a box and kept from view. I told everyone a story of how my buddy had been walking though a swap meet and came across 2 KX500 seats. I told everyone that he had purchased them both for $15 dollars. As I finished the story I pulled the seat from the box at an angle that did not reveal the name on the seat......I closed my story with these words...."what made these seats so special was not that they were KX500 seats, what makes these seats so special is the name on the seats and who they belonged to"........I turned the seat over and the room gasped and went silent........The silence was broken by the sounds of emotional chatter and a standing ovation........Motorrad was gracious enough to put the seat on display for the night for everyone to view. A major thanks to Motorrad for his contribution to the night.
Last week Motorrad and I located another special seat on EBay.......It was another KX500 seat with the name Ty Davis on the back. Lucky for Motorrad that Ty was also at the reunion. I introduced the two and Motorrad was able to get a Ty Davis autograph on his Ty Davis K5 seat......super cool

The end of the night was bittersweet. It was great to see everyone again but at the same time it was sad that this moment would most likely never happen again. It was the first time in almost 20 years that ALL these people were in the same place at the same time for the same reason. Motorrad and I said our goodbye's and made our way out.
Motorrad took pictures just as I did and I'm sure he will post them up as soon as he gets an opportunity.........
Motorrad getting acquainted with the 1994 Baja 1000 winning KX500

Kawasaki headquarters in Irvine California.........Lots of heavy hitters in this picture.......motorcycle legend Danny LaPorte in the orange pants is speaking with Pro Circuit Suspension legend Jim "Bones" Bacon in the red hat......oh yeah....the man in the wheelchair is non other than Mitch Payton owner of the Pro Circuit supercross team.

Just some of the eye candy and memorabilia on display for everyone to view

Some of the various Team Green helmets from the past......

One of my old buddies......motocross and off road great Greg Zitterkopf

Some of my better friends..........Motorcycle God Larry Roeseler and David Pyle..........David Pyle is the man responsible for developing the KX500 for off road racing from 1987 to 1997.......I introduced him to Motorrad and needless to say they had some very interesting conversation

Mark Johnson at the podium......Mark was Team Green's first off road manager and the man responsible for bringing the KX500 and Team Green to Baja back in 1987......He was also responsible for developing the careers of racers like Kevin Windham, Ricky Carmichael, James Stewart, etc......

I could be wrong, but I think Motorrad is having a good time

Ty Davis telling a story about one of his Baja 1000 victories.......

Motorrads contribution to the display at the reunion......I still don't know if Motorrad understands just how much it means to everyone that he saved Danny Hamel's seats from a tragic fate........this item was a real tear jerker for many in attendance.

For you Supercross fans you may recognize this fella as Skip Norfolk........Jeremy McGraths mechanic from 1991 to 1998.......In my conversation with him I asked him about his experiences being such a big factor in the success of one of the greatest Supercross racers in history......He told me that they were good times but he couldn't have done it without his Team Green origins........Team Green and desert racing in Baja are his roots and he remembers them well.

My favorite photo of the night........These men are some of the few who let me tag along as a young man and made me a part of Team Green Kawasaki..........From left to right, Baja racers Ted Hunnicutt, Ty Davis, Me, Larry Roeseler.............during this picture Larry was telling me "My God!! When was the last time these guys were in the same spot with the same bike at the same time?!" If this picture doesn't say "Nostalgia" I don't know what does.......