Author Topic: Grilled cheese sandwich  (Read 11218 times)

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Offline Bigtim

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Re: Grilled cheese sandwich
« Reply #30 on: July 05, 2013, 04:36:09 PM »
It's really to bad that almost everything in that sandwich will eventually give you a clogged arteries! You could just call it a "Heart Attack Sandwich" :-o :-o Yep that's what I grew up on! :cry: :cry: You can still enjoy them without all the bad ingredients,  Some good whole-wheat bread, instead of White!  There are lots of wonderful cheeses instead of American, which is the leftover junk that the figured out what to do with instead of poring it down the drain!   And there are some really good healthy butter substitutes out there now that are actually good for you! I guess it just depends "How Long Do You Want to Live"!

I sill like them just as you described, but I am glad their are healthy alternatives! :-D :-D :-D :-D