@motopunk the frame rails that we made were thicker than the oem frame rails. i beleive it was 6061 that was used.
i am waiting to hear back from the guy who did all my welding/cutting/bending to get all the correct anwser for these questions.
@motorrad what kind of tubing should i have used? the oem frame rails were square so i went went the square just a little bit thicker.
@jBernard the head bracket broke in the crash from the force of the bike hitting the ground. i would have noticed if it was broke prior to the frame breaking. i think i would of had more than normal vibration going on. i can pick up on very small details to my bike with riding. i have done a lot of testing in my professional career as a racer. i aslo pay a lot of attention to my bike everytime i service it which is everytime i ride.
@don46 from the pics it does look like both rails were stressed. when i check the bike out the day after the crash the rails did not have all the black resude on the breaks. i could be wrong but that is from moveing it around on the floor of the garage. the left rail deffently broke frist thought. you can see in one of the pics that the right rail was twisting when the frame did break. to me that would mean that the left gave out first and the right side was holding on for dear life. when the guy who did all the welding and stuff came to look at the bike he didnt think that there was and pre failure prior to the break. idk, we will never know which is the worse part about it all.
@sandblaster i am not sure if the frame was heat treated or not. again waiting ot ask the welder bc i dont i dont want to answer that question wrong. im sure i will talk to him over the weekend and find all this info. please feel free to ask any other questions so i can ask him (that goes for everybody). i do like your extra head stay mount. but wouldnt that make the frame more rigid? jw wondering for when i build a new one. def going to take everybodys thoughts into consideration.
@brooksie i do bounce well, over the course of my racing career i have learned to tuck and roll. lol the only thing that happen to me in the crash was ofcousre i got knocked out, but on the way over the bar the left side of the frame caught my boot. sliced about a 3 inch slot in the side of it. hit me in the leg which gave me a really big bruse and also broke my CTI2 in half. if i didnt have that brace on my left leg would have been shattered. i do know that i was very very very lucky to be able to walk away from the crash!!
ps for everybody please dont take any of these responces the wrong way. i but my bike on here for a reason. to show everybody what happen and to help everybody out with there builds. i do not want to see that happen to anybody else and i dont think i would be able to walk away from a nother frame breaking. so lets put are heads togther so we can mack these bike bullet proof. bc these bike are just dont right awesome!!!!!