so to start off, I picked my first bike up in 2012, a 1989 KX125, which in 2 months blew the top end, so im fixing it, but there's my riding history, Dec. 2012- Feb. 2013. but DONT count me out as a small guy, the K5 stays in 3, and above 40 most the time, might not be fast, but its fast to me! small course, tight trails.
Enter May, traded my GSX600F Katana, for my current 91 K5, all honesty, I definitely came out on top of the deal,
I picked the bike not running, with the Org. owner saying magneto was at fault. sat for 3 yrs.
checked compression, 120lbs.
checked electrical, works fine,
So i continued on to the fuel side. Petcock was plugged up. unplugged it, continued on.
pulled carb. and dumped out about 4 oz of water....
new spark plug, fresh gas, few kicks, backfires, and it started up! 6 hours of working and pulling apart, HELL YEAH!
now if i go through my priming stages, (4-6 slow strokes on the kick) one solid kick, it will start up first kick!
I'M HAPPY needless to say.

took a ride around the block, and lifted the tire of the ground UNINTENTIONALLY through 4th.
but now going through the bike there is a few things I'm finding I need to change the front springs, and rear shock. to hard, and to soft.
but I'm not sure how to tell whats on there now. and dont want to waste money on a spring that's the same, or softer. any links for info. also, I've read a bunch of forums where people are saying to stay away form calculators. so if anyone can help me on that!?! would be awesome.